Home Garden Design Botanica exhibition in Sydney

Botanica exhibition in Sydney

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The Royal Botanic Garden Sydney has shone the spotlight on the fascinating, complex and remarkable relationships between plants and animals in its Botanica: Symbiosis botanical art exhibition.  The exhibition finished on  Sunday 6 May 2018.

The exhibition featured more than 150 original artworks from some of the best botanic and natural history artists in Australia and beyond.

Mulberry leaf

Curator, Judy Dunstan, says the theme, ‘Symbiosis’, reflects the natural world, which is full of extraordinary relationships — from mutually beneficial partnerships, to ‘parasitism’, which can have deadly results.”

“All selected works must accurately represent the form and botany of the chosen subject, adequately convey the characteristics of the species or variety, and be pleasing, balanced and considered works of art.”

Banksia by Angela Lober

The exhibition is in its 19th year and held at the Garden’s historic Lion Gate Lodge.

Grevillea by Annie Hayes

For more information about what’s on at the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney 

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